Miss Bille Holiday

I rescued BIllie last Sunday, April 12th from the South LA Shelter. 

Deciding to finally foster a senior after I had to put down Cheri last summer was something I really wanted to do- but it never was the "right" time- so after a quick trip to see my family in the bay area I decided when I came back it would be a good time. 

When I rescued her and took her home I genuinely felt like we saved each other. Sometimes being alone in such a big city like LA, can be sad and lonely- but thats life. Ridin that wave bro. journey. 

So ya, here I am a week later and now Billie Holiday (named after the late artist because I listen to her Pandora station all day and her cds in my car when I drive) #lifestyles - is sick and in the hospital. such a fukin tragedy. We can only hope for the best. 

I created a gofundme page to help raise monies for her hefty medical bill which A Purposeful Rescue is helping with too. 

Please send your healing energy for our baby gurl Billie!